There are three kinds of membership:

EurAsia depends on a broad financial funding body. We are looking forward to your membership.

Scientific members:
Scientific members contribute in a scientific way to the operation of the Society. Applications for membership shall be addressed to the President; they shall include a CVas well as a statement about those competences which are relevant to the Society. Suchapplications shall be accepted by the Board with a three-quarters majority. The scientific membership is free of charge.

For students the annual contribution is Swiss Francs 50.- Please fill in the application here below and send it with a copy of your student card by e-mail or post.

For members the annual contribution is Swiss Francs 100.- Please fill in the application here below and send it by e-mail or post.

For members the annual contribution is Swiss Francs 500.- Please fill in the application here below annd send it by e-mail or post.

Benefactors are natural or legal persons who support the Society with a one-off or with a recurring financial contribution. Benefactors receive at the end of the business year a report about the usage of their contribution. For benefactors the annual contribution is Swiss Francs 1000.- or a one-off contribution of Swiss Francs 12'000.- for a membership for life.

Benefactors will be mentioned on the Society's homepage on request. Interested sponsors or benefactors may please contact the president.

All memberships will receive at the beginning of a year a brief, illustrated report by e-mail about the Society’s activities, especially the results from the excavations from the respective previous year.




For reasons of data protection, the members are not listed.


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